
Current inhabitants:


  • 3x Orange Ball Corallimorph (Pseudocorynactis Spp., probably P. Carribbaeorum) - should be fed, mostly reef safe, but can get big enough (6") to eat fish or mobile inverts (neither likely in most aquariums) or even attack nearby sessile inverts, may spread rapidy, fluoress under blue light. (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 1x Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.) about 3" tall (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 1x Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculeatus) (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 2x Scarlet Hermits (Paguristes cadenati) (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 3x 1/4" mystery snails (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 4x Yellow and 1x Orange Sun Corals - not looking so good - apparently needs direct feeding (Tubastrea sp., or Epitonium sp.) (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 2x Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) - will eat Aiptasia spp., but have been known to nip "clams, corals, and other cnidarians", keep well in pairs or groups and will reproduce. (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 3x Smooth red Mushrooms (Zoanthids) (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 3x Smooth green Mushrooms (Zoanthids) (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 1x Large (10") Green Brittle Star (Class Ophiuroidea) - I suspect when I find this in my tank next I'll snag it and trade it in at the LFS as it may chow on my smaller fish. (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 2x colonies of Brown Button Polyps w/ white centers (Zoanthids), one 3" across, one 1" across (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 1/2" Tan Starfish (Class Asteroidea) - this wasn't mentioned and I only happened on him. (from JA 6/19/06)
  • 1x Stomatella Snail, hitchhiker, about 3/4" long (4/30/06)
  • 1x Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica, Family Microdesmidae, the Worm- and Dartfishes) AKA Fire Goby**** (3/23/06)
  • 2# of small branching Live Rock, to use for fragging (3/23/06)
  • 1x 1.5" frag of Green SPS (Merulinidae Hydnophora, possibly grandis or ridiga) (1/26/06 - )
  • 5x Smooth Orange Mushroom Anemones (Corallimorpharia Actinodiscus) on a 2" piece of Live Rock (1/26/06 - )
  • 1x lone brown polyp with lighter disc (1/19/06 - )
  • 1x Blastomussa wellsi colony - 5 polyps, bright red with green center. One polyp has a partial damaged corallite, the largest is approx 5 cm. 7 "children" have formed from around 4/06. (Faviid species, Family Mussidae "Mussids") (1/6/06 - )
  • 1/2# of Live Rock frags - for fraging Xenia and polyps (1/6/06 -)
  • 1x Pajama (PJ) Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) - larger than the 1st one (10/9/05-)
  • 1x Pajama (PJ) Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) (10/2/05-)
  • 1x colony of 2-3 dz polyps (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) (on 5"x2" rock)(9/7/05 -)
  • 1x colony of some "globe"-ish SPS (possibly Porites?) (with above on rock)(9/7/05 -)
  • 1x 1/2" Scarlet Hermit (Paguristes cadenati) (9/7/05 -)
  • 1x 1" Electric Blue Hermit crab (calcinus elegans) (9/7/05 -)
  • dozens of "Hitch-hiker" banded Brittle & Serpent Stars (some Asterina spp)
  • 1x 1" Ricordea mushroom with orange ring (Corallimorpharia Ricordea) (9/2/05 -)
  • 1x 1/2" Ricordea mushroom - all blue (Corallimorpharia Ricordea) (9/2/05 -)
  • 3x Peanut Worm (Sipunculid), 1 large and 2 small (~9/1/05, ~2/1/06 -)
  • 5x 2-3" stalks, and 4x 1/2" stalks, of pulsing xenia (Xeniid) - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species (8/5/05-) - was originally a single 2" stalk
  • ~8x 1"-3" peices of sponge - from Josh (8/5/05-) - now twice the size/number
  • 2x Hair worms (Spionids Polychaete Worm), first with two 4" tentacles, second with only one shorter tentacle observed (~7/1/05, 1/2/06 - )
  • 11x green hairy mushrooms (Order Corallimorpharia) (was 5 on one rock) (6/30/05 -)
  • 10's x 1/8"-1/4" Tunicate/Sea Squirt/Ascidian Zooid (Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Urochordata) - these are the largest of probably many (~6/1/05-)
  • 4x Star Polyp colonies (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) 1 1/2" ea (5/3/05 -)
  • 4.5+# of Tonga live rock (placed in back section where sponge filter used to go)
  • 100's x Tiny Serpulids (Spirorbidae) (~4/1/05 -)
  • 6x Red-legged Hermits - possibly Laurent's Hermit Crab (Calcinus laurentae) (3/29/05 -)
  • 4x Scarlet Hermits (Paguristes cadenati) (4/16/05 -)
    (16 Total hermits - 2 per 3 gal)
  • 7x Cerith Snails (Family Cerithiidae) (4/1/05 -)
  • 2x Narsarious Snails** (Family: Nassariidae) (3/29/05 -)
  • 6x Margarite Snails*** (Family: Tegula) (3/29/05, 4/1/05 -)
  • 3x "real" Hermits - possibly Red-striped Hermit Crabs (Phimochirus holthuisi) (3/27/05 -)
  • 3x Orangeclaw Hermit Crab (Calcinus tibicen) (3/27/05 -)
  • 4x Astrea Snails (Lithopoma [Astraea] spp.) (3/27/05 -)
  • 2x Bumble-bee Snails* (Family: Pusiostoma) (3/29/05, 4/1/05 - )
    (21 Total snails - ~1 per 1 gal)
  • 34+# of premium live rock (3/24 - )


  • 1x 4" Sand Sifting Star (Astropecten polycanthus) (4/16/05 -5/25/06 DIED)
  • 1 small (1") Bristle worm (4/30/06 EXPORTED)
  • 8x medium Pulsing Xenia (Xeniid) on 4 LR frags (4/27/06 SOLD )
  • 2x Aiptasia (Aptaisiidae "Rock", "Glass") Anemones on some recent LR frags (4/14/06 EXPORTED)
  • 1x Medium Indo-Pacific White-Striped Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) (3/23/06-4/10/06 DIED)
  • 4x stalks of green Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia divisa) (3/27-4/10/06 DIED)
  • 9x 1-2" stalks total of Xenia (Xeniid) on 2 piece of LR - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species (3/21/06 SOLD)
  • 1 large (3") and 2 small (1") Bristle worms (3/18/06 EXPORTED)
  • 1x 3/4" Shiny silver ball algea - pest (Valonia macrophysa) (3/18/06 EXPORTED)
  • 3x 2" stalks of Xenia (Xeniid) on 1 piece of LR - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species (2/24/06 SOLD)
  • 5x green hairy mushrooms (Order Corallimorpharia) on the original piece of rock I bought 5 of them on (2/10/06 SOLD)
  • 5x 2" stalks of pulsing xenia (Xeniid) on 1 piece of LR - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species (2/10/06 SOLD)
  • 1x lone Aiptasia (Aptaisiidae "Rock", "Glass") Anemone in the brown kelp (2/1/06 - 2/4/06 EXPORTED )
  • 2x Star Polyp colonies (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) - the original 1 1/2" ea pieces (1/26/06 SOLD )
  • 2x 2" stalks of pulsing xenia (Xeniid) on 1 piece of LR - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species (1/26/06 SOLD)
  • 1x 1.5" Red/orange Fromia (milleporella?) sea star (8/5/05 - ~1/19/05 DIED)
  • 4x 2-3" stalks of pulsing xenia (Xeniid) on 2 pieces of LR - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species (1/15/06 SOLD)
  • 1x (medium-small, and bright red) Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus) (AKA the Spine-Cheek Anemonefish) (10/9/05-10/15/05 DIED)
  • 1x 1" Porcelain Anemone crab (Neopetrolisthes ohshimai) (9/7/05 -10/9/05 DIED)
  • 2x small stubs of sponge (possibly) (9/7/05 -??) - whatever it was is gone.
  • 1x Royal Gramma (Gramma/Grammatids loreto) (10/2/05-10/3/05 DIED)
  • 1x Medium Indo-Pacific White-Striped Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) (4/19/05 - 9/9/05 DIED)
  • 1x male Maroon Clown, Gold Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) was mated pair (4/16/05 - 8/19/05 DIED)
  • 1x female Maroon Clown, Gold Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) was mated pair (4/16/05 - 7/8/05 DIED)
  • 1x Polyps (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) tiny frag (5/3/05 -6/?/05 DIED/LOST)
  • 1x Colt coral (Family Nephtheidae) (5/3/05 - 5/21/05 EATEN)
  • 1x Long Tentacle Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) with Bluish/bright green tentacles, red base (4/16/05 - 6/3/05 DIED)
  • 1x White Nudibranch (5/3 - 5/23 EXPORTED)

Macro Algea:

  • Botryocladia spp. red algea - mostly juvenile (from JA 6/19/06)
  • (correct?) 1"-2" small patch of Maiden's Hair Plant (Caulerpa species)
  • Pink, red, and green encrusting coralline algea (Family Corallinacae, Subfamily Melobesioideae)
  • NO Green Grape Algea (Calurpa Racemosa) (-10/4/05 after it "crashed")
  • Caterpillar Weed, Fuzzy Tip Algea - Calcified green on top half, white on bottom half, 2-3" sprouts (Neomeris annulata)
  • Kelp, Sargassum (probably) - Brown, leaves on branches from central holdfast
  • Calcified green discs attached together as if a chain (Halimeda)
  • Short spiky green algea - pest (Bryopsis)
  • 1x ~1/2" Shiny silver ball algea - pest (Valonia macrophysa) - has been as many as 4
  • Red criss-crossing algea, (Gelidium sp.), a nuisance

* WARNING: Bumble Bee Snails (Family: Pusiostoma): Unfortunately they are mostly carnivorous and have been known to eat sponges, some types of corals in a reef tank and detritus.

** WARNING: Nassarius Snails (Family: Nassariidae): They are commonly preyed upon by hermit crabs.

*** WARNING: Margarite Snails (Family: Tegula) Most Margarite snails found for sale are from temperate waters. In a reef tank they would slowly starve to death if they didn't succumb to the warmer temperatures first.

**** Do not do well with active or aggresive tank-mates, such as tangs, gobies, etc. Eat plankton, copopods.

***** Will take med-large chunks of meat. Can be aggresive, keep its distance. "Tubular tentacles with branchings and knob-like ends." Prefer lower lighting and lower water flow.

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