
Feeding, water change, observations, maintenance


  • 2 drops of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2 cap of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • 1 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods
  • 1 cube of Mysis shrimp

The yellow and orange Sun Corals (Tubastrea sp., or Epitonium sp.) look very good after the feeding.

Both Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) showed for food, although not sure if one ate.

Still no sign of the Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica).

Performed 2.5gal water change. Pulled out the old one and put in the first half of a new 4x8 Poly-Bio-Marine's Poly Filter.

Moved the rock with the Orange Ball Corallimorph (Pseudocorynactis Spp., probably P. Carribbaeorum) into the cave under the main rocks, after two tries I couldn't quite get it to stay where I wanted it so I'm not sure where the polyps are; it'll get re-arranged in about a week when I move the tank anyway.


Traded-in remainders, purchased FW tank

Traded in the remaining liverock, plus my existing credit, for:
  • Eclipse 3 Gallon Acrylic Aquarium System (for a Freshwater tank)
  • 3 fake plants
  • "background" paper
  • "art" rock (sand)
  • Decrative rock

I'll use this a replacement tank for my son when I move my Nano cube.

Identification of unknown Anemone/Corallimorph

A couple days ago a White/translucent/clear Polyps/Anemones, notably with "balls" on the end of some of the tentacles was noticed. The helpful people at http://www.nano-reef.com/ have identified it as a:
  • Orange Ball Corallimorph (Pseudocorynactis Spp., probably P. Carribbaeorum)- sometimes incorrectly credited as an Anemone, should be fed, mostly reef safe, but can get big enough (6") to eat fish or mobile inverts (neither likely in most aquariums) or even attack nearby sessile inverts, may spread rapidy, fluoress under blue light. P. Carribbaeorum opens at night, and the Indo-Pacific species opens anytime. See http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/oct2002/invert.htm

Of note, some have suggested it is a pest anemone (like Aiptasia) called the Majano anemone.


Additional inhabitant found, plus feeding, and turned the midday lights back on

Found the following in the "travel" tank after work and rescued it:

  • 1/3" Tan Starfish (Class Asteroidea) - this makes 3.

  • 2 drops of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2 cap of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • 1 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods

Lighting: Changed the Actinic "mid-day" lights down to just 3 hrs. New schedule:

  • 0600-2100: "Daytime" 2 x 36w 10K/7.1K Combo PCs (72w total)
  • 1200-1500: "Mid-day" 36w Blue Actinic PC, and T-5 (10W) Actinic Blue (46w total)
  • 100-0600: "Nighttime/Refugium" 9w Blue Actinic PC, and 9w Daylight PC (18w total)

This also has the effect of turning on the the ICA Chiller circuit. I'll increase the midday lights again every week.

Updated April 06's postings with pictures, and enhanced comments.

Updated March 06's postings with pictures, and enhanced comments.


More on the new Inhabitants - all acounted for!

There was some shifting so I'll need to re-apply some Aquarium Systems/Marineland HoldFast when I buy more.

Amazing, one of the Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) molted successfully.
Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) molt

Found the following in the "travel" tank this morning and rescued it:

  • 1/3" Tan Starfish (Class Asteroidea) - he tells me there were 4-5 total, this makes 2.

Noticed the following "new" inhabitants:

  • 5-6x White/translucent/clear Polyps/Anemones, notably with "balls" on the end of some of the tentacles. Hmmm, could be Aiptasia... He thinks they're not and the Peppermint Shrimp always ignored them.
    Unidentified Anemone or Corallimorph
    Unidentified Anemone or Corallimorph

Also, it turns out he forgot to mention the Powerhead was not part of the deal. Once I get the left-overs to the LFS I'll get it back to him.

Close-up of a couple tiny banded Brittle Stars (possibly Asterina spp):
Close-up of a couple tiny banded Brittle Stars (possibly Asterina spp)

Close-up of Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.):
Close-up of Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.) Posted by Picasa


New Inhabitants from a friends tank

A guy from my job and his new wife are moving across country, and they weren't able to bring the tank contents of her 12gal Nano cube. For a fair price, here's what I acquired:

  • 1x Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.) about 3" tall
    Toadstool leather (Sarcophyton sp.)
  • 1x Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculeatus)
    Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculeatus), and Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni)
  • 2x Peppermint shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) - will eat Aiptasia spp., but have been known to nip "clams, corals, and other cnidarians", keep well in pairs or groups and will reproduce.
  • 2x Scarlet Hermits (Paguristes cadenati)
  • He thought there might be some "real" snails, possibly a Bumble Bee Snail, but all I saw were a couple 1/4" mystery snails
  • 4x Yellow and 1x Orange Sun Corals - not looking so good - apparently needs direct feeding (Tubastrea sp., or Epitonium sp.)
    4x Yellow and 1x Orange Sun Corals (Tubastrea sp., or Epitonium sp.)
  • 3x Smooth red Mushrooms (Zoanthids)
  • 3x Smooth green Mushrooms (Zoanthids)
  • Green and Red Mushrooms (Zoanthids), and small colony of Brown Button Polyps w/ white centers (Zoanthids)
  • 2x colonies of Brown Button Polyps w/ white centers (Zoanthids), one 3" across, one 1" across
    Large colony of Brown Button Polyps w/ white centers (Zoanthids)
  • 1x Large (10") Green Brittle Star (Class Ophiuroidea) - I suspect when I find this in my tank next I'll snag it and trade it in at the LFS as it may chow on my smaller fish.
    Green Brittle Star (Class Ophiuroidea)
  • Botryocladia spp. red algea - mostly juvenile
  • 1/2" Tan Starfish (Class Asteroidea) - this wasn't mentioned and I only happened on him.
    Tan Starfish (Class Asteroidea)

As a bonus I get the powerhead and another 5gal bucket.

The process:

They were removed from the tank and placed into a 5gal "travel" bucket with approximately 3gal of water in San Diego about 11pm Sunday night, and and transfered by car to our job site in El Segundo starting 3:30AM Monday morning. He placed them in my office and setup the powerhead. I took possesion of them around 8am, and placed an arm desk lamp over them - the lights not appropriate really but the Button Polyps seemed to respond.
Travel tank (bucket) under desk with desk lamp light
close-up of Travel tank (bucket)under desk lamp

I left work with them about 2:30am, and once home re-started the powerhead.
Travel tank (bucket) at the house

Close-up of Travel tank (bucket) at the house

I performed a 2.5 gal water change - removed about 1/2 cup of algea (and "saved" 4 tiny stars, but lost at least one). I added 2.5gal of NSW to the water I removed from the tank and then dripped this into the "travel" bucket:
Drip system from 50% tank water 50% new NSW into Travel tank (bucket)

  • 3:40pm - at 5gal mark
  • 4:35pm - at 4gal mark - took 1/2gal out of the "travel" bucket
  • 5:30pm - at 3gal mark - took 3/4gal out
  • 6:30pm - at 2gal mark - took 1gal out
  • 8:00pm - at 1/2gal mark - took 2gal out, added last 1/2gal

At 8:30pm started reviewing, selecting, and placing new inhabitants. Used a rock hammer to bust up a number of rocks to keep the selections small, as I don't need more Live Rock. I pulled out a bunch of the brown Kelp algea (including a 2" Bristle worm) to make room. Used the last half of my Aquarium Systems/Marineland HoldFast for the new inhabitants, plus 3x LR frags for the Xenia.

LiveRock frags epoxied to rock to propogate Xenia

LiveRock frags epoxied to rock to propogate Xenia

Finished 10pm. I was delighted to find I had no fatalities. So they were out of a real tank for almost 24 hrs.

Full Tank view with new additions:
Full Nanon Cube reef tank after new additions

Close-up of various new organisms:
Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculeatus), various Mushrooms (Zoanthids), Tan Starfish (Class Asteroidea), small colony of Brown Button Polyps w/ white centers (Zoanthids), and Pajama (PJ) Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera)

The leftovers include:

  • Quite a bit of Live Rock
  • A couple small frags of Button and other Polyps
  • 1 1/2cup of brown Kelp algea
  • 2 large rock anemones (Aiptasia)

Travel tank (bucket) with leftovers

All this will go back to the LFS and see what credit I can get for it.

I turned off the "mid day" lights and will re-introduce them slowly as the the 12g Nano had only 48W of light (4W/gal, 40W/Sq.Ft.), and mine has 118W (4.9W/gal, 60W/Sq. Ft.).

Hair worm (Spionids Polychaete Worm):
Hair worm (Spionids Polychaete Worm),

SPS (possibly Porites?) with growing polyp colony (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids):
SPS (possibly Porites?) with growing polyp colony (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) Posted by Picasa


Feeding, and turned on ICA Chiller


  • 2 drops of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2 cap of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • 1 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods

Noticed that the tank had hit 90-91F the last couple days so I connected the ICA Chiller circuit.


Weekly dosing


  • Kent Tech*CB (A) - 1 capful
  • Kent Tech*CB (B) - 1 capful
  • Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine Supplement - 1/2 capful


Feeding and Water change


  • 2 drops of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2 cap of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • 1 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods

Performed 2.5gal water change.


Increased "mid-day" lighting to final state

Upped the Actinic "mid-day" lights by 1 hour. New schedule:

  • 0600-2100: "Daytime" 2 x 36w 10K/7.1K Combo PCs (72w total)
  • 1000-1700: "Mid-day" 36w Blue Actinic PC, and T-5 (10W) Actinic Blue (46w total)
  • 100-0600: "Nighttime/Refugium" 9w Blue Actinic PC, and 9w Daylight PC (18w total)

This is the final state.



  • Kent Tech*CB (A) - 1 capful
  • Kent Tech*CB (B) - 1 capful
  • Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine Supplement - 1/2 capful



  • 3 drops of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2cap of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • 1 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods
  • A pinch of Aquatrol Spirulina 20 flakes


Feeding, and water change

  • 3 drops of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2 cap of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • 1 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods & 1 cube of Mysis shrimp - they were eating slowly towards the middle of the amount, so I discarded the last 1/4.

Changed 2gal of water.


Modified dosing, replaced Iodine additive


  • Kent Tech*CB (A) - 1 capful
  • Kent Tech*CB (B) - 1 capful
  • Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine Supplement - 1/2 capful


Traded in more Pulsing Xenia

Traded in to Jims:

  • 10-12 stalks of Pulsing Xenia on 3 Live Rock frags
  • 1 Green Hairy Mushroom on 1 LR frag

Had to replace ~1/2 gal of Saltwater as tank water was used for the transport bags.


  • Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine Supplement
  • Poly-Bio-Marine Poly filter