
Performed 2.5g water change.
Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp, and frozen chunk food (1/3 shrimp).


Trying to make the LTA feel at home...

Removed piece of tonga from under LTA - so it could settle in sand but it keeps falling over. We'll have to see how it does.

Here's a recent picture of Long Tentacle Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) with mated pair of Maroon Clown, Gold Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) AKA Spine-Cheek Clown.

Long Tentacle Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) with mated pair of Maroon Clown, Gold Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) AKA Spine-Cheek Clown


The LTA is looking better...

LTA is looking a lot better, but still somewhat on its side perhaps because it's half ontop of a piece of tonga?


More inhabitants, and live rock, changes, and maintenance...

Purchased from Jim's Exotic Fish:

  • 1 medium Indo-Pacific White-Striped Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) (AKA Ambon Shrimp)
  • 4 Cerith snails (Family Cerithiidae)
  • ~1# of live rock - small tonga branch - placed where sponge filters were
  • Hikari Mysis Shrimp (32 frozen food cubes, 100g total)

White-Striped Cleaner Shrimp and Sand Sifting Star

I removed the three sponge filter from the back of the Nano Cube - I had no idea there was so much of it back there. Changed ~10% water, but had to add ~1 gal to replace space occupied by sponges. I underestimated the amount of extra tonga branch I needed.

Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp, and frozen chunk food (1/2 scallop).

Quite a lot of silt was thrown into the air - the LTA was not happy, and slumped over on its side, some sloughing could be seen.


Caulerpa and Halimeda emerging...


  • 1"-2" small patch of Maiden's Hair Plant - Caulerpa species
  • ~1/2" sections (various) of Halimeda Plant - Halimeda species

Bought a 1/4# of frozen in-shell uncooked shrimp, and 1/4# of uncooked scallops from the grocery store. Seperated it all in to ziplock bags.


More inhabitants...

Bought from Mark's Tropical Fish, Studio City:
  • 7" Long Tentacle Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) Bluish/bright green tentacles, with 3" red base
  • 2 (mated pair) Maroon Clown, Gold Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) (AKA Spine-Cheek Clown) - 1.5" & 2+"
  • 4 scarlet hermits (Paguristes cadenati)
  • 4" Sand Sifting Star (Astropecten polycanthus)

Long Tentacle Anemone (Macrodactyla doreensis) with mated pair of Maroon Clown, Gold Stripe (Premnas biaculeatus) AKA Spine-Cheek ClownSand Sifting Star (Astropecten polycanthus)


Performed 2.5g water change.


Performed 2.5g water change.


Performed 2.5g water change.


More inhabitants, and additives, and dosing schedule...

Bought from Jim's Exotic Fish:
  • 1 Bumble-bee Snails (Family: Pusiostoma)
  • 3 Cerith Snails (Family Cerithiidae)
  • 3 Margarite Snails (Family: Tegula)
  • Kent Tech*CB (A) Kent Tech*CB (B)
  • Kent Strontium & Molybdenum
  • Lugol's Solution (Iodine)

Started dosing schedule:

  • 1/2 cap each, per week: Kent Tech*CB (A) Kent Tech*CB (B)
  • 1/2 cap per week: Kent Strontium & Molybdenum
  • 1 drop per week: Lugol's Solution (Iodine)