
Performed 2.5g water change.


Narsarious Snails live! Cleaner shrimp molting and other good pictures

Just happened to spot both of them last night.

The cleaner shrimp molted, and this is the his "old" shell:

cleaner shrimp molted shell

Here's a good shot of the Star Polyp colonies (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids):

Star Polyp colonies (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids)

Here's Caterpillar Weed (Neomeris annulata):

Caterpillar Weed (Neomeris annulata):


Performed 2.5g water change. Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp, but no frozen chunk food as the LTA doesn't look that good. I'm a little concerned as I normally see the Narsarious Snails when I feed but I didn't tonight.


White Nudibranch eggs - gone?

Nudibranch "eggs" are gone. Hatched? Perhaps they weren't that at all.


Testing kits, and more live rock...

Purchased from Jim's Exotic Fish:

  • Salifert http://www.salifert.com/Ca Profi Test
  • Salifert NO3 Profi Test (it measures as Nitrate-ion)
  • Salifert pH Profi Test
  • 3# of Tonga branch Live Rock (small pieces)

Placed the Tonga in the back of the Nano - still not enough; I'll need an additional 2#.

I "rescued" the LTA from the back of the tank - had to move a bunch of rocks. I placed one of the very branchy tonga pieces as a "gate" preventing the LTA from moving to the back of the tank. It look's so-so.

Here's the measurements (as of 9:30pm - right before lights out):

  • NO3 - Mid range: 5-10, Low Range: 5 ppm. Preferred range <5 ppm
  • pH - 8.0-8.3 - this test isn't very precise. Preferred range 8.1-8.3.
  • Ca - 387 ppm - although this is the average of 375 and 400 because it depends on how you see the color Blue. Preferred range 350-450.

I also measured some other water:

  • NSW from Jim's - NO3: 0.5-1.0, pH ??
  • Top-off water from Jim's - NO3: 2.5, pH < 7.4 pH (limit of test)
  • "Purified" Refrigerator Water - NO3: 2.5, pH < 8.3 pH

Removed White Nudibranch, last picture

Removed the white Nudibranch, double bagged, and gave to Josh A. at work to provide a new home. Luckily, it had moved onto the glass so it was easy to find. I first tried to pick it off the glass, which didn't work out, plus I saw a small puff of white discharge from the Nudibranch - I hope it wasn't toxic to the tank! I was able to easily remove it using a piece of thin plastic coated cardboard and scrapped it right off the glass.

Here's the last picture of it:

white Nudibranch moving from live rock to the sand


White Nudibranch still eating Colt Coral?

The Nudibranch has moved and I found it at the rock depression by the Colt! I couldn't remove the Nudibranch but I was able to move the Colt to another location - it looks very bad. I found some "things" on the back wall of the tank (mostly behind rock) that appeared to be eggs, see http://www.seahorse-nw.com/Predators.html.


Found new home for White Nudibranch

Josh A. at work has agreed to accept the Nudibranch into a 6gal Nano he's setting up just for it.


White Nudibranch eating Colt Coral?

I suspect the white nudibranch is responsible for the downfall of the Colt, see http://www.seahorse-nw.com/Predators.html. Removed the one piece of the Colt left (as it's detached from the rock) and moved it to a depression in one of the rocks. As I understand it's difficult to get them to reattach as glue, etc doesn't work.


Found a White Nudibranch

Found a white nudibranch in the tank, on the same rock as the Colt coral. I think its been there the entire time but was "closed up" and I
thought it was a sponge or part of the Colt.

white nudibranch on rockcloser shot of white nudibranch

Started using purified top-off water from Jim's; and pictures of various algeas

Bought from Jim's Exotic Fish:
  • 5gal of RO&DI water - this replaced my use of the "purified" refigerator water

Performed 2.5g water change.

Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp, and frozen chunk food (1/3 shrimp) - each after soaking in a few drops of Selcon.

Here's a picture of a clump of brown algae - possibly Sargassum.

clump of brown algae - possibly Sargassum

And a picture of a green "bubbly" algae:

Green Grape Algea (Calurpa Racemosa)

And here's some algea that is purple and may possibly be "branching", encrusting and calciferous.

purple algea that may possibly be branching, encrusting and calciferous

(Sorry for the bad focus)


Colt coral is not looking so good...

The the Colt coral is not doing too well, part of it seems to be missing.


Refrig water line broken, used grocery store Distilled water

The water line to the refrigerator is broken - I'm using grocery store purchased distilled water as top-off. I'll have to research this.

Performed 2.5g water change. Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp, and frozen chunk food (1/3 shrimp) - each after soaking in a few drops of Selcon.


Picture of Star Polyp colonies (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids):

Star Polyp colonies (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids)on live rock


Performed 2.5g water change.
Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp, and frozen chunk food (1/2 scallop) - each after soaking in a few drops of Selcon.


More inhabitants, and observations on the LTA...

The LTA has attached back to tonga and is looking better.

Purchased from Jim's Exotic Fish:

  • 1 small 3" piece of Colt coral (Family Nephtheidae)
  • 1 small 3" round piece of star polyp (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) that was on two pieces of rock. I split it in half.
  • Tiny <1/2">Selcon
It was easy to find a place for the Colt, and star polyps. The challange was finding a place for polyp frag so it wouldn't get lost or moved around.


LTA still needs some help...

Placed piece of tonga back under LTA.