
Water change, and and Xenia is climbing the Kelp!

Performed 2.5g water change.

The single pulsing xenia (Xeniid) stalk is already 3 stalks, and is climbing the kelp (look at the lower right leaf - the xenia stalk is growing around it) :

pulsing xenia (Xeniid) is climbing the kelp


The Kelp is starting to get "air sacks", and pictures of some sort of algea.

The Kelp is starting to get "air sacks" to make it float:

Kelp is starting to get

And here's an Algea I can't identify (is it good?, is it bad?):

unknown algea


Water change, and a picture of the split mushroom.

Performed 2.5g water change.

Picture of the split of the green hairy mushrooms (Order Corallimorpharia) :

split of the green hairy mushrooms (Order Corallimorpharia)


The male Maroon Clown was found missing today

No known cause of death. Will have to do another water change.


Extra dose of additives.

Because the calciferous algea looks like it needed it.


Algea Identification

10/7/05 - This has been superceded by the my Current Inhabitants list.

  • Neomeris annulata - Calcified green on top half, white on bottom half, 2-3" sprouts.
  • ? - Brown, leaves on branches from central holdfast.
  • Halimeda - Calcified green discs attached together as if a chain.
  • Halimeda goreaui - Green small bulbs in sets of three along long vine.
  • Bryopsis - Short spiky green algea - pest.
  • Valonia macrophysa - Shiny silver balls around 1/2" - pest.
  • Coralline - various forms.


Water change, and picture of mushroom starting to divide

Performed 2.5g water change.

Picture of green hairy mushrooms (Order Corallimorpharia) starting to divide:

green hairy mushrooms (Order Corallimorpharia) starting to divide


Fed them 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp (and forgot the Selcon, again)


New inhabitants...

Purchased from Jim's Exotic Fish:

  • 1.5" Red/orange Fromia (milleporella?) sea star
  • 2" single stalk pulsing xenia (Xeniid) on a 6" tonga branch - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species

Josh at work gave me:

  • ~8x 1-3" peices of sponge

Here's a picture of the pulsing xenia:

pulsing xenia (Xeniid)  - this could be Red Sea or Fiji white fast-pulse/pop-pom species

Here's the Red/orange Fromia (milleporella?) sea star:

Red/orange Fromia (milleporella?) sea star

Here's a bunch of the Sponge:



Post-vacation chores....

Performed 2.5g water change.

Fed 1/2 cube of Mysis shrimp with 5ml of Selcon.

Trimming & Weeding:
  1. Removed 5 Shiny silver balls (Valonia macrophysa) (without breaking them)
  2. Removed 1/2 cup of hair algea
  3. Removed 1 cup of large brown macro-algea (mostly as it was covering some of the polyps)
  4. Removed 1/3 cup of medium-small brown macro-algea, Kelp, Sargassum (probably)
  5. Removed a couple pieces of grape calurpa {corrected: Green Grape Algea (Calurpa Racemosa)}
  6. A couple stalks of the green/white algea, Caterpillar Weed (Neomeris annulata)

Gave 3, 4, and 5 to Josh at work for his tank and Tang. While looking at it we found a 3/4" star stow-away; lucky Josh

Here's the "clean" tank:

my tank after weeding post-vacation

The Indo-Pacific White-Striped Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), green hairy mushrooms (was 5 on one rock) (Order Corallimorpharia), and a Star Polyp colony (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids):

Indo-Pacific White-Striped Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), green hairy mushrooms (was 5 on one rock) (Order Corallimorpharia), and a Star Polyp colony (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids)

The other Star Polyp colony (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids), Green Grape Algea (Calurpa Racemosa), and Kelp, Sargassum (probably):

Star Polyp colony (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids), Green Grape Algea (Calurpa Racemosa), and Kelp, Sargassum (probably)


Back from vacation... (pictures)

Tank looks good - the algea is a bit overgrown, and there's more calciferous algea on the glass:

overgrown algea in tank after vacation

Here's a pretty good picture of (what I believe to be) an Orangeclaw Hermit Crab (Calcinus tibicen):

Orangeclaw Hermit Crab (Calcinus tibicen)