
Testing, and Dosing

Testing using Salifert Profi Tests:
  • Temperature = 78F
  • KH = 7.2, Alk = 2.57 Meq/L (NSW = 8 KH and 2.9 Meq/L)
  • Iodide = ~0.08 ppm (NSW = 0.02-0.03 ppm)
  • Iodate & Iodine ~0.0 ppm (NSW = 0.03-0.04)
  • Calcium = 350 ppm (NSW = 400-425 ppm)

Alk and Ca are both low, so I did an extra dosing tonight. Still not sure why Iodide shows high, and Iodate & Iodine show very low.


  • Kent Tech*CB (A) - 1 capful (more than normal)
  • Kent Tech*CB (B) - 1 capful (more than normal)
  • Lugol's Solution (Iodine) - none

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the '06 24g NC, with the same mods you have done. I too have the same factors with the Iodide, but I use Kent NanoReef A/B. Perhaps this is normal? My only reference is my Peppermint Shrimp molted, and I think my Emerald Crab did too.

Great site and tank!