
New "found" creatures

A lone 1/2" polyp or anemone was spotted in the large clump of brown kelp in the front left of tank. It's different from the lone brown polyp spotted a couple weeks ago. This one has much longer tentacles, which are striped. I suspect its a Aiptasia (Aptaisiidae "Rock", "Glass") Anemone; I'll have to observe it a bit more. Luckily, removal will be as easy as tossing whatever part of the kelp it's attached to.
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Two more Peanut Worms (Sipunculid) spotted over the last week or so, which are noticably smaller than the Panut Worm (Sipunculid) thats been observed for some time.
  • The first is located on the top left-back part of large top rock
  • The second is located on one of the lower front rocks

Noticed another hair worm (Spionids Polychaete Worm) with only one tentacle observed, much smaller than the large hair worm building a tube on the gravel.

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