
Rust/Brown Planarians!

I saw them the other day but didn't give them any notice. Today they are very noticible, concentrated in the two areas but individuals can be found most places throughout the tank.

Close up of three Rust/Brown Planarians (Order Acoela, Convolutriloba retrogemma):
Close up of three Rust/Brown Planarians (Order Acoela, Convolutriloba retrogemma)

Infestation of three Rust/Brown Planarians (Order Acoela, Convolutriloba retrogemma):
Infestation of three Rust/Brown Planarians (Order Acoela, Convolutriloba retrogemma) Posted by Picasa

Wet Web Media has a good question/article on the "Red Flatworms" (80% down the page). The attached article on Rust/Brown Planarians (Order Acoela "acoels", Convolutriloba retrogemma) is from the "Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1: Reef Gardening for Aquarists" by Anthony Rosario Calfo. These Planarians are pests only insomuch as they can become so numerous as to inhibit the proper environment of corals (light, water flow, etc.) but do not actually feed on the corals. Their populations can vary widely. Their picture of the Planarians is quite good; I'll try to get some myself.

I'm going to cut back somewhat on feeding, and do a couple extra water changes and see how that works.

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