

Used the Kent Pro ScraperM (Stainless Steel) to clear the glass front and sides of all the pink coralline algae (that I could reach).

Tried to remove the dead Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia divisa) skeleton, but it broke and the bottom half is still stuck in the mount which I also couldn't remove.

Broke up the 2# of small branching Live Rock bought back on 3/23. Found two Aiptasia (Aptaisiidae "Rock", "Glass") Anemones on the frags and scraped away that portion of the LR, then rinsed with SW into the "dirty" water-change bucket.

Mounted some of the LR:

  • 2 pieces on the top rock by about 5 stalks.

  • 1 piece on the original Xenia branching LR as there are 5 stalks there now.

  • 1 piece in front of the Green SPS (Merulinidae Hydnophora, possibly grandis or ridiga) and the Blastomussa wellsi, as there's still two small Xenia stalks there and I don't want them getting too large.
  • 1 piece beside the top rock
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Prior to vacation I removed a LR frag with a stalk of Xenia, which had been located to close in front of the Green SPS (Merulinidae Hydnophora, possibly grandis or ridiga) and the Blastomussa wellsi. I placed in on the top rock but over vaca it had been moved and lodge by the "globe"-ish SPS (possibly Porites?) and polyps (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids) rock. By now it had grown onto the rock so I had to scrape it out (and tossed it) as I didn't want Xenia growing there. I moved it back with the other Xenia and wedged it between the two new LR frags.

Performed a 2.5gal water change. Removed about a half a cup of various algeas.

Salinity reduction, and re-tests:

  • Temp = 78F
  • Pre results: SG = 1.027
  • Did a 32oz water change with the RO water
  • Post results: Temp = 77F, SG = 1.026 (unadjusted for temp) (NSW = ~ 1.026, ranging 1.022 -1.035 depending on the "sea") - often aquarists keep it 1.023
  • The change brought it down by 0.001. Another change would bring it down approximately to 1.025. I'll wait another week.

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