
(Nearly) Complete Installation


  • Nanocustoms ICA Chiller: Silicone Tubing 16", AC Adapter Variable 3-12v/ 1200mA AC Adapter, AC Adapter Variable 3-8.4v/ 2500mA AC Adapter
  • NVM Moonlight Fix: AC Adapter Variable 3-12v/ 1200mA AC Adapter, Dual Harness, 2 Extra LEDs
  • 3.36 series Nanocustoms Modded Lighting Upgrade DIY (for 2004 Nanocube 24DX) : w/ Bare Ballast, Additional T-5 (10W) Actinic Blue bulb/bracket/ballast, 1x PowerCompact 36w 10K/7.1K Combo
  • JBJ PL36W Blue Actinic PC bulb, linear pin config


  • See Figures 1- 15 below.
  • It took 10 hours to complete
  • Was not obvious how to combine installation instructions for the ICA, NVM Fix/expansion, and 3.36 Lighting kit.
  • Not sure the original problem (perhaps 1 bad LED) but ending up with two bad. Wired for the two working (1 new, 1 old), and have them operating at 6v.
  • 3.36 Kit instructions written for the 2005 model, had to adjust for the 2004 splash guard (See Figures 6-8)
  • Insruction Wire colors were different (because its a 2004?):
    • End Cap RDX Cable Ballast
    • Black <-> Brown <-> Red
    • Black <-> Black <-> Red
    • White <-> Blue <-> Blue
    • White <-> White <-> Blue
  • Hood wiring holes/cutouts (left to right from back - see Figures 10, 11, 13):
    • existing notch used to route pump cord
    • existing notch with pump gromet used for both ICA and FAN power
    • 1st RDX existing hole w/strain-relief
    • 2nd RDX existing hole w/strain-relief
    • 3rd RDX hole w/strain-relief
    • 7/16 hole for Size N coaxial panel-mount Jack (RadioShack #274-1576) used for Moonlights (thus avoiding cutting the DC power supply plug cord)
    • 3/16" hole was intended for Moonlight leads, but not used
    • existing notch on far right used for T5 Fixture, Heater, and Powerhead
  • Splashguard was obscured by mineral build-ups. In sink, covered with two papertowels, soaked with vinegar, let stand for 30 mins, and then rinsed thoroughly (see Figure 2 vs Figure 6).
  • Chiller and Fans wired to be on with main lights (see Figure 1)
  • Used RadioShack (#64-3073) Insulated Telephone Butt Connectors (22-26 guage) for the Moonlight and Fan wiring.
  • When installing ICA, used a single #6 lock washer (med. split, zinc) per screw to avoid sinking them to far into the hood (a method of cutting the screws was mentioned somewhere) (see Figure 8)
  • Suggest mock-ing up the wiring completely a couple times prior to cutting, etc.
  • All the PST power adapters use the "large" plug which is a 2.50x5.5mm
  • Remove the ballast Fuse and used that opening for the power cord - the instructions made no specific mention of where the power cord enters (See Figure 9)
  • Installed the ICA such that the input came from the Right side connected to the pump via ~6" of tubing into the 3rd chamber (right-most), and the output came from the left via ~10" of tubing wraping around to the tank return nozzel with its "elbow" aimed left. Used wire-ties to clamp down all four ends (See Figure 15).


  • What voltages are the original JBJ and the Nanocustoms replacement blue LED's?
  • What was the small (not for JBJ Remote Disconnect cable) strain relief for?
  • Suggestions on sealing between ICA and splash guard. There's an 1/8" gap (See Figure 8).
  • How to reduce rattle of the new, more powerful, pump?
  • How was 8.4V 2.5A decided for the Switech TEC 78w device?
  • Recommendations on phasing in the new extra lighting? And how much total? I was thinking 1 hr of the Actinics the first week, then +1 hour each week until there's 6-8 hours.

Next steps:

  • Adjust end caps in ~1/8" so they better clear the inset portion of the splash guard (See Figure 6).
  • Need new large strain relief (sized for JBJ Remote Disconnect cable), and use on ballast for new RDX cable.
  • Get 2 new Replacement LEDs.
  • Put silicon inside the closed end crimps.
  • Re-add the Moonlight switch on the hood, to control (when desired) moonlights (See Figure 4).
  • Seal 1/8" gap between ICA and splash guard (See Figure 8).

Chiller Observations - ICA 8.4v, Fan 9v (shared with hood fan):

  • 4:35pm - 77.7F
  • 5:35pm - 77.0F
  • 6:35om - 77.4F
  • 7:50pm - 77.7F
  • Note sure what to make of above - going to leave off as it doesn't need to be on at these temps and it may be fighting the heater.
  • 12:35am - 78.0 (main lights off, fans off, ICA off)

Water change:

  • 2.5Gal
  • 32oz FW replacement (to lower salinity)
  • Post SG = 1.0255
  • Used the Aqua Medic Reef Tweezers to remove a great deal of various smaller macro algea (~1 cup) that proved difficult to remove otherwise.

Mounted some LR frags:

  • 1 large pieces on the top rock by about 5 stalks.
  • 1 piece on the original Xenia branching LR as there are 5 stalks there now (again).
  • Was able to catch a 1" long Bristle worm and remove it.


  • 1 1/2 "feeder fish" by California All Natural Pet Foods
  • 1 drop of LiquidLife's MarinePlankton (made with Cyclop-eeze)
  • 1/2 cap-fulls of DT'S LIVE Marine Phytoplankton
  • ~1/10th tsp DT's Natural Reef Diet (Oyster Eggs)
  • One pinches of Aquatrol Spirulina 20 flakes.


  • Noticed a new hitchhiker - it 1/2"-3/4" long, pale green, and I think it might be a Nudibranch, hanging around my Smooth Orange Mushroom Anemones (Corallimorpharia Actinodiscus) - I wonder what its eating?

Possible green Nudibranch among Smooth Orange Mushroom Anemones (Corallimorpharia Actinodiscus)

  • Have an identification for the red algea on the right side of the tank, Gelidium, a nuisance.
  • Noticed something bright red, wide, and fuzzy(?) quickly dissapear back into the rocks, amid a cloud of red (that quickly dispersed). A quick search showed that "ink" may sometimes come from Sea Hares (Order Anaspidea, a type of sea slug, ink described as "purple" or sometimes "red"), or Cephalopods (Octopus, Cuttlefish, Squid - but this seems very unlikely). If it is a hitchiker Sea Hare, the good news is they are herbivores, but the bad news is the ink can be hazardous to the rest of the tank! Sea Slug Forum - Order Anaspidea Although I doubt it would be hiding in the rocks.

Figure 1: Modified Nanocube Electical block diagram

Figure 1: Modified Nanocube Electical block diagram

Figure 2: Original Nanocube 2004 24DX hood
Figure 2: Original Nanocube 2004 24DX hood

Figure 3: Original Nanocube 2004 24DX hood heatshield
Figure 3: Original Nanocube 2004 24DX hood heatshield

Figure 4: Original Nanocube 2004 24DX hood wiring
igure 4: Original Nanocube 2004 24DX hood wiring

Figure 5: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - stripped down
Figure 5: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - stripped down

Figure 6: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - Modifications - splash guard test fitFigure 6: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - Modifications - splash guard test fit

Figure 7: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - Modifications - splash guard cut around ICA
Figure 7: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - Modifications - splash guard cut around ICA

Figure 8: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - Modifications - splash guard cut around ICA test fitFigure 8: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - Modifications - splash guard cut around ICA test fit

Figure 9: Nanocube 2004 24DX ballast - modifications
Figure 9: Nanocube 2004 24DX ballast - modifications

Figure 10: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - complete wiring modificationsFigure 10: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - complete wiring modifications

Figure 11: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - full modifications electrical and fit test
Figure 11: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - full modifications electrical and fit test

Figure 12: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - modifications in use on tank
Figure 12: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - modifications in use on tank

Figure 13: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - wiring modifications from rear
Figure 13: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - wiring modifications from rear

Figure 14: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - modifications wiring "head-end"
Figure 14: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - modifications wiring head-end

Figure 15: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - modifications ICA Plumbing
Figure 15: Nanocube 2004 24DX hood - modifications ICA Plumbing

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