
Observations, and water change

Observations on new inhabitants:
  • The Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia divisa) is not doing so well. 2 of the 4 stalks never really opened once in the tank, and as of last night one stalk was completely gone! Another is 50% gone and I don't have good hopes.
    Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia divisa), with 2 of 4 stalks decayed
  • The Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica) is very shy - it was out the first night for an hour and have only seen it a few minutes each morning. It ate the first night, but it ignored some flakes the following night.
  • The Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) is somewhat shy - it hasn't left the back of the tank below the rocks
  • The new branching Live Rock doesn't seem shy - it's right where I left it. Although I haven't seen it eating ;-)

Performed a 2.5gal water change.

Blastomussa wellsi colony, Green SPS (Merulinidae Hydnophora, possibly grandis or ridiga), and the Pulsing Xenia that moved into the neighborhood uninvited. Notice the droop on the lower Blasto:
Blastomussa wellsi colony, Green SPS (Merulinidae Hydnophora, possibly grandis or ridiga), and the Pulsing Xenia that moved into the neighborhood uninvited. Notice the droop on the lower Blasto

SPS (possibly Porites?), with Polyps (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids). Compare as it was purchased back on 9/7/05, and back on 1/7/06. The SPS has made some advancements but the polyps have spread considerably:
SPS (possibly Porites?), with Polyps (Order Zoanthidea/Zoanthids)
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