
Water testing

Using Salifert Profi Tests:
  • Temperature = 78F
  • SG = 1.028 (unadjusted for temp) (NSW = ~ 1.026, ranging 1.022 -1.035 depending on the "sea") - often aquarists keep it 1.023
  • KH = 8.0, Alk = 2.86 Meq/L (NSW = 8 KH and 2.9 Meq/L)
  • Iodide = ~0.08 ppm (NSW = 0.02-0.03 ppm) - I averaged two measurements
  • Iodate & Iodine < nsw =" 0.03-0.04">
  • Calcium = 405 ppm (NSW = 400-425 ppm)
  • pH = 8.0-8.3 (NSW = 8.1)
  • Nitrate = 0.0 ppm as Nitrate Ion (NO3 Ion)
  • Ammonia = 0.0 ppm (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals)


  • Reduce Salinity
  • Skip Iodine additives for a week and retest
  • Add a bit more Calcium additives for a week and retest

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